Zombie Night

Zombie Night (2013)

Patrick (Anthony Michael Hall) and his wife Birdy (Darryl Hannah) must fight for their lives and the lives of their children during a zombie outbreak. If you feel as though you need to know more about the plot of this film then let me assure you that you don’t. Look, I’m on your side. Don’t get all riled up, duder. Just relax and keep reading.

To the credit of director John Gulager (Feast), Zombie Night wastes no time getting started. In fact, I found it very amusing how people start looting the city immediately. There’s lots of cringe-inducing acting and super awkward moments from the cast. The script is insanely silly and there are so many inexplicable moments that will amuse you if you’re the kind of crazy and insane weirdo who thinks bad movies are funny. There are some tense scenes and effective moments but the rest of the ghoulish goings-on are greatly goofy.

The cast is an 80s dream with Anthony Michael Hall, Darryl Hannah, Alan Ruck, and Shirley Jones- Wait a minute! Shirley Jones, what are you doing here? Oh, you’re trying to break the world’s record for overacting? Good luck! Some of the zombie makeup is pretty good and some is really bad. Speaking of inconsistent, the movie sets up some strange rules for the zombies. Does a zombie bite make you turn into a zombie or not? Why does the sun coming up mean that the zombie apocalypse will be over?

I’ve probably already said too much about this film. Beyond the surprise that Syfy Channel made something this watchable, there isn’t any reason for you to go out of your way to watch this. A zombie movie is a zombie is a zombie movie but you’ll get a few laughs at all the stupid shit that doesn’t make sense and there is enough atmosphere and gut-munching to keep you from getting too bored.

“You just think the best of people, baby. Don’t ever let them take that away from you.”

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